Some happy-making stuff

Nov 15, 2009 01:54

Oh, fandom. You bring me much joy (and quality distraction when needed) and for that I'll be forever grateful. Here are a few happy-making items I've come across in the last day or two:

1. Chris Pine in GQ - see scans of interview and pics at ontd_startrek. Oh, HONEY. I heart your li'l neurotic badass socks SO FUCKING MUCH. (Hey, the Star Trek DVD comes out THIS TUESDAY!!! There will be much rejoicing.)

2. This Eric/Godric vid, Capital G by bop_radar, reminds me of a coupla hot, hot reasons why I keep watching this damn show.

3. Speaking of vids, I just found this one for my beloved Southland, and I can't seem to stop watching it. The ratio seems off (widescreen look without the widescreen - know what I mean?) and the vid uses clips from all 7 aired eps (spoilerphobes beware), but the editing is TIGHT and I kinda love every single person on the team and I cannot WAIT for them to come back in January on TNT.

3.a. Speaking of January, guess what's coming to a DVD near you in all its uncensored glory? OH HELL YEAH.

4. Two words: White Collar. It's not a good show, and I'm missing June and Diana, and the plots continue to be utterly ridiculous, but... I can't help it; Neal is still too pretty for my brain to handle. He's like a more bombshell-y version of a young Alain Delon or something. In addition, the slash has hit the ceiling, broken through, and now seems to be headed to the Moon. Good times.

4.a. OK, this fandom needs a Notorious AU fic. Peter = Cary Grant, Neal = Ingrid Bergman; Y/Y? (Somebody please write this.) I'm desperately trying to think of a way to include Elizabeth (because this show is all about the OT3) but maybe I'll just read the OT3 fics. Or, you know, WATCH THE EPS.

4.b. Another thing that must be said in White Collar's favor: David Caruso destroyed the head tilt, burnt the remains, & salted the earth. Tim DeKay fucking BROUGHT IT BACK. Thank you for that, Peter. ♥

5. Speaking of threesomes... I wanna see this movie a LOT. Damn, Zach Gilford, I always knew you had it in you, but I didn't expect a demonstration so soon in your young, young career. *fans self*

That is all. What's making you squee these days, f-list?

mad bunny season, white collar, southland, vampage, films, i plead pine farr, st xi

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