i want you & i want him

Oct 08, 2009 02:50

General "why I haven't been posting" update: 1. work is apparently trying to kill me (failing... for now); 2. life got extra-stressful with apartment search and other select shit hitting the fan these days; 3. insomnia is worse than it's been in years - so bad, it's begun to affect my overall health. Let the good times roll!

OK, enough of that noise.


It's been a shamefully long time since I've mentioned Star Trek around here, so let's start with a fic rec: Reading Against/Reading With: Mastering the Oppositional Discourse in Textual Healing by emeraldwoman. If by some chance you haven't read this piece of litcrit porn meta (litcrit meta porn? porny meta litcrit? brilliance?), what are you waiting for?

(No, really. A sampler: "Nyota, have you considered that inviting the Captain to join us in a, and I quote, 'hot threesome fuckfest', might have overwritten our Outsider narrative with colonialist imperatives?" So, SO worth your time.)

Speaking of hot threesome fuckfests, everybody's seen Talitha's new Kirk/Uhura/Spock vid, right? Here's the YouTube link for Apple Candy. It's almost unbearably creepy!good; I get chills at the line "Call me by his name" and tear up at Spock Prime's clips. (At all other times, I'm grinning like a madwoman. Of course.) I heart it so.


A brief note on SPN's "The End": there's something in Dean's speech to Sam/Lucifer that keeps bugging me. Pardon the paraphrase, but - it's the way he spits out the "you're just a piece of supernatural garbage, only with a bigger ego etc. etc." line. The writers know we've witnessed, oh, SOME moral ambiguity on this show over the past 4+ seasons; surely they're aware that the Winchesters have presumably experienced A BIT OF perspective adjustment in evaluating the various non-humans they meet on either side of their fight. And yet... Dean spits out "supernatural" with unmistakable connotative emphasis, as if he's never fallen in love with met and befriended Castiel, FOR EXAMPLE, or ever had any allies among the supernatural beings. (Yeah, my 'shippy feelings are hurt. I'm venting. That's what this is all about.)

Otherwise, the ep was ACES. Thumbs up, lots of fic bookmarked, looking forward to more. :)

ETA: I laughed like crazy at the Palin-President-of-the-Apocalypse thing, all the more because of this site. Make sure to click on the door repeatedly, to get the full experience. Yeah.


And one thought on the latest House, "The Tyrant": Wilson bringing up True Blood in a conversation with House? Hilarious. Wilson referring to himself jokingly as a vampire? Kinda heartbreaking, if you recall House's painful evisceration dissection of Wilson's personality from a while back, when he called him an emotional vampire. Oh, gentlemen, why must even your superdomesticated sweetness be tinged with the bitter taste of your past dysfunction? Just - stay together on that couch and watch some nature shows. ♥

(General thought on "The Tyrant": there were many excellent things about this episode, yet despite Jesse Spencer's great performance, I still can't buy that Chase could/would kill. Characterization, schmaracterization? Also I've realized that I missed Taub's voice of dry, biting, hilarious, and crystal-clear REASON in this ep. It would have been nice to hear him commenting on this clusterfuck of a situation. Aww, Taub.)


As some of you probably know, I despise reality TV with great & unforgiving passion. That said? Rescue Ink is blowing down my defenses liek woah. I must point out, however, that they fight DIRTY. No, really; take a minute to consider the ungodly mix of big tattooed guys and - stay with me here - baby animals. We're talking dangerous, volatile alchemy on the small screen, people! Between the massive ink and the abandoned kitties? I don't know if I should lock myself in a room and have a cathartic girly cry, or stock up on batteries and, um, lock myself in a room. (Or start begging people to write RPS for the show. Oh, fuck you, brain.)

Hey, what can I say: they make me feel all feminine and shit. *cough*


Southland is coming back in just a little over TWO WEEKS! Here is the preview clip from the season 2 opener on the NBC site (and a link for outside-US viewers). Not gonna lie, I might have chewed up the inside of my cheek a little just watching that minute and a freakin' half. Holy shit, this show. (HOMG CHICKIE!!!)


That is all. Happy Thursday!

southland, tv, st xi, spn, in the media, house

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