A few happy-making things

Sep 20, 2009 00:32

Let's make a list!

1. Because K/S slash knows no bounds, here is a ficlet written by a 5-year-old girl. It just might be the cutest thing in the history of cuteness!

2. Got tix for A Steady Rain and Hamlet and I am NOT completely broke! Woohoo! (...but there can never be too much theatre. For example, who could say no to a punk rock Shakespeare adaptation?)

3. Oh yeah: also seeing In-I. It's been too long since I've seen any modern dance. Plus, you now, Juliette Binoche. ♥

4. WOOT!!! Ausiello reports that NBC.com will stream the entire first season of Southland beginning Oct. 9, two weeks before the drama’s Oct. 23 second-season premiere. (Oh, and Chuck too.)

4.a. Also, Season 1 DVDs are coming out in early 2010. Since I've watched every episode at least 3 times (the storytelling and performances really ARE that rich, layered, and understated), it's safe to assume I'll be buying them the day they hit the stores.

4.b. I can't express how much I love that a fandom as tiny as Southland's actually has a Hard Core Logo crossover. Uh, spoilery for the movie - you might want to rent it before reading. Actually, you should rent it ANYWAY. Because HCL is fantastic.

5. So, there's this clip from next week's SPN episode called "Free to Be You and Me" - and if you want to remain spoiler-free, don't watch it. Savvy?

image Click to view

First of all: I was STUCK IN CAPSLOCK FOR 24 HOURS after seeing that. (And really, can you blame me?) Many thanks to tartary_lamb for sharing the link.

Second of all: if you remember the episode last season in which Dean slept with another fallen angel Anna, the dialogue that led to their hookup went something like this:

Anna: So... it's my last night on Earth...
Dean: You're stealing my best line.

Which leads me to conclude: OMG DEAN IS USING HIS BEST LINE ON CASTIEL. (See what I mean about capslock?)

Third of all: is it just me, or does Castiel seem less... detached this season, not externally (he's still quite alien to human life around him) but internally, within himself? I noticed it first in the way he told Dean off at the hospital - but also in the way he spoke to Bobby. And yes, toward the end of last season we got to see him get a bit emotional from time to time; that's not what I'm talking about. This season, it's as if there is no "separation" (for the lack of a better word) between his angel-self and the vessel he inhabits - as if, since he got blown up and then brought back to life, he is actually fully embodied in / inseparable from the form with which he walks in the human world. I think there's been a subtle shift in the way he moves and carries himself; not to mention that he never appeared more HUMAN than in that clip when he says to Dean "Look, I've never had occasion, OK?" - and it's the OK that sort of... breaks my brain a little. (The part where he says he'd just sit there quietly, waiting for the dawn and the time he'll presumably die... that part broke my heart. But not the brain.)

Anyway. I'm sure there are PLENTY of Castiel/Dean stories - or there soon will be - in which this new embodiment triggers a whole lotta sex. Rec me, people! I want them ALL.

6. Bonus happy-making thing: Troubled Days (White Lines) by Bengal Lancer - you can listen to the song and/or DL it on that page. Best description I could come up with: Billie Holiday meets Sonic Youth, morphs into Debbie Harry, I fall in love with the drummer sight unseen, the end comes too soon. Yes, it's AWESOME.

Happy Sunday!

music, southland, recs, plays, st xi, spn

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