My heist show is BAAAACK!!!!!!

Jul 16, 2009 02:59

Oh, Leverage, how I've MISSED you! And lookee, you has a BUDGET! *pets*

In all honesty, I could care less about the A plot (points of which I've certainly overlooked in my eagerness to PAW AT THE TEAM OMG) because - while the heists are cool and I do enjoy the long con flavor with the "quick, adapt to the switcharoo now" surprise in the middle of every ep - the team is where it's AT.

Sophie (who is LOVE, and why don't I have an icon of her?!) orchestrates a reunion by inviting everybody to her show. She is starring in The Sound of Music. This tidbit ALONE will keep me amused all week, people. Oh, and I'm very pleasantly surprised that she has a boyfriend! Sucks for Nate, but damn, that moment of angst at the end was delicious. Further, let me just go on the record and state that I prefer the jealousy tension to the ohnoesIminlovewithanalcoholic tension.

Speaking of Nate, it's exciting that he stopped drinking - on his own, no less. You know what else is exciting? All the mentions of Catholicism in this ep! And not just because I've been not very secretly longing for a K/S Catholic AU. The mobster mentions that kid!Nate wanted to become a priest; there's all the Catholic drag on the job at the bank; there's all the stuff about the "client's" daughter and her patron saint medallion; and I think Eliot brings up Catholic guilt as being "in character" for Nate, since he chooses to live above a freakin' bar while he's freshly on the wagon. My humble opinion: OH YUM YES PLEASE BRING IT ON.

I think I've somehow forgotten how funny Christian Kane can be, and then he delivered that line "I was in Pakistan" and - it came back to me. I ♥ him so! Had a nice kickass scene, the hair looks pretty decent, I knew he was not gonna get killed off but I still meeped when he got "shot"... it's all good. Also: like Sophie, I too want to sit on a couch and casually drape myself over his arm, because I feel that might be a very valuable experience in life. Yes.

Parker (just Parker - one name like Cher, motherfucker!) has apparently had some time to think, and is now comfortable enough to articulate her thoughts on relationships in a rather delightful way, and wow, has she grown on me since the show started! Furthermore, in this ep she had a few moments of awkwardness that were actually NOT set up and deliberately developed as funny. This made her all the more appealing to me - I have a limited amount of patience for quirky humor (mostly because it can be so... well, pushy) and here we got to see Parker as, well, genuinely freaky and a social misfit, but 1) still adorable and 2) feeling at home with the team. (OK, so the air quotes were funny. I giggled. They're cute when they flirt, and Hardison is just SO SUPPORTIVE, and - yes.)

THIS JUST IN: HARDISON CONTINUES TO BE AWESOME, NEWS AT ELEVEN. He is my cyberninja teevee boyfriend and I nom him, the end. Seriously, I... don't even know what to say. Hacking the White House emails? *sigh* The stuff about Eliot's exploding pants? OH LORD MY ABS. His glee at buying Nate's building so that he can put up those gigantic flat screens in his living room? SO MUCH LOVE.

Anyway. This ep can be summed up as: Nate sulks, team goes puppy-pile on him, Nate continues to sulk but he's totally faking it, the end. (Btw, even though the A plot had the "ohnoes who's the actual bad guy?" switch toward the end, the B plot - a.k.a. the second thing they had to steal in order to complete the job - was Nate. Say it with me now: D'AWWWW TEAMCAKES!)

Welcome back, Leverage! I squish you and your crappy opening sequence, for you are made of character win. *squishes*


Here, have some random music.

All mediafire links, change zz to tt, & please buy the songs if you like them.

"Ice Cream" - New Young Pony Club

"Freak Like Me" - The Sugababes

"Stranger Lover" - The Ghostland Observatory

"You'll Find a Way" - Santogold

"Many Moons" - Janelle Monae

"Can't Tell Me Nothing" - Francis & The Lights (cover)

"Sleeps with Butterflies" - Tori Amos



My AC unit is acting up tonight because - of course - it's finally summer. As if I need more reason to not sleep, for fuck's sake.

music, mix, leverage

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