Wherein I'm an IDIOT who fails at puns. Around here, that's DOUBLE FAIL.

Jun 23, 2009 12:21

The other night, I was trying to find a certain Britney tune online. (Stop judging me; it's Kirk's fault. The guy's got a cheap and slutty soundtrack.) And I finally figured out why I couldn't find the song "F.U.C.K. Me" anywhere. Also, I realized why this other song about some chick Amy kept coming up in my search.

Yeah. IDIOT.

(I figured it out thanks to this Watchmen vid, btw.)


Last night, barely-bean and krisdia had me over for a PineathonTM. We had:

~ Just My Luck - the pleasure of hating LiLo's character is powerful and immense but the movie was actually... dare I say it... cute. (I know, my brain hurts too.) Plus, Captain Fine goes shirtless AND is adorable throughout. There is also some foam.

~ Blind Dating - very cute romance with bonus Sendhil. Also, family FTW (especially the brother, but NOT THAT WAY.) Much embarrassment squick, though, and we kept exclaiming "That's not how medicine works!"

~ Confession - OMG. Awful movie (the 21-yr-old director wrote it when he was 14) but I might actually buy the DVD because THAT PERFECT BLOWJOB MOUTH IN A SEMINARY AND CATHOLIC SCHOOLBOYS AND PRIESTS AND CONFESSIONALS AND AND YES. Of course, this should be rewritten as a romance between Spock (the priest) and Kirk (the schoolboy), and it should be less about murder and crisis of faith and more about the angst and the hotness and the TEMPTATION and CASSOCKS and SEX IN THE CONFESSIONAL. You know what I'm saying, right? (This idea really ought to make me an honorary Catholic.)

We went through a respectable amount of wine pretty quickly. I... might have pled Pine Farr at some point. It's a blur. A gorgeous, sexy, fiiiiine blur.

And your Captain Fine PSA for the day:
- Princess Diaries 2 is on the Disney Channel this Thursday at 8pm and Friday at 10am.
- "Hazel Park" (his ep of The Guardian) is on Sleuth next Tuesday, June 30 at 9am and 1pm. (He is a little obsessed with Simon Baker. It's really cute.)


And some Star Trek recs!!!

1. Mass in B Minor by pun - K/S, a kiss in the rain. Gorgeous, sweet h/c moment. "The rain on Mythonszark-6 is green, which means that Jim can't tell - he fucking cannot tell how much or where Spock is bleeding."

2. The Old Gentaran Boys' Club by scribblinlenore - K/S, NC-17, faaaaabulously funny and sexy take on the alien ritual pretend-to-be-gay-for-SCIENCE cliche. Favorite moment of hotness:

Spock's fingers inch up a little at Jim's waist, touching bare skin. Jim realizes with a start that this is no accident, that his shirt hasn't just gotten rucked up on its own. Spock is caressing him. On purpose. Spock, who is not an automaton at all, but a person who has actual sex.

GUH. I'm a sucker for deliberate, self-conscious seduction, and this fic just... does everything right. It is SO VERY HOT.

3. Safe and Sound by taraljc - Pike/Gaila (hey, I totally read het!), NC-17 of the slightly inappropriate variety (mmmmmm), great Gaila POV and the TRAGICALLY OVERLOOKED HOTNESS that is Pike. Once the fandom gets tired of playing with the young'uns (and um, I get tired of reading it - hypocrisy owned!), I hope this guy will get some much-deserved lovin'. (Also, I've been kinda craving porn about any Bruce Greenwood character ever since I saw Exotica 15 years ago. My torch, it is DURABLE.)

Favorite moment of hotness: a quote from the fic (which is excellently written) would be too long, so here's a summary. They're kissing sort of frantically against the wall, and he strips her jacket, bundles it up, and puts it behind her head. Because when he starts fucking her, she throws her head back hard enough for a concussion. And he knew he'd MAKE HER DO THAT. *flails* I just... I love a man who PLANS AHEAD.

Sexual experience and confidence - check. PLEASE SIR, MAY I HAVE SOME MORE?

4. A Million Miles From Here - Kirk vid by nel_ani. JOY!!! (I love him. I actually love him. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN YOU GUYS.)

5. Freak Like Me by meiou_set - Uhura vid, except it's ACTUALLY about K/S/U and wow - that's sort of unexpectedly hot.


mad bunny season, infantuation, films, i plead pine farr, st xi

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