May 23, 2009 16:30
So I might have been making plans to get together with a non-fannish friend tomorrow. And I might have agreed very quickly when she suggested dinner and a movie. And though I'm proud to say I let her give me a list of what she'd like to see, I... might have been very happy to see a certain title right at the top of said list, and then replied that, hey, I've been hearing good stuff about this new Star Trek movie.
Aaaaaand so I might be seeing it for the third time tomorrow night. Which in itself is not embarrassing, but I'll also have to PRETEND THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN IT TWICE ALREADY. Because my friend is a lovely person, but she's a civilian. And it's hard to share one's fannishness (especially of the slashy kind) with a non-fan. You know?
I feel some shame. Not as much as I probably should, though.
ETA: OMG. It was just pointed out to me that, during That Scene between Kirk and Spock, Imma gona have to MAKE LIKE A VULCAN and NOT SHOW MY EMOTIONS.
Wish me tons of luck, people!
st xi