The cure for Monday blues

May 11, 2009 15:52

It's Monday and I'm feeling tired and cranky, so here's a coupla happy-making links:

Aldis Hodge presents The Hand Jobs - just when I thought I could not have a bigger crush on him. (I thought so, so wrong.)

This xkcd 5-part comic about fanboying (sounds weird, doesn't it?) Nathan Fillion: parts one, two, three, four, five. (Castle also makes me happy. Yay, Nathan!show!!!)

With special thanks to rensreality101, here is THE SLASHIEST VAMPIRE BITING/TURNING SCENE I HAVE EVER SEEN. It's from the Moonlight ep "Fated To Pretend", between Mick and Josef, and you don't really need much of a plot or a context; but if you insist... (This YouTube clip is NOT ENTIRELY SAFE FOR WORK because, well, they make sex noises. Also, it's REALLY HOT. Also, I know it's wrong that when Mick pleads with Josef to turn him and calls him "brother" I immediately think "well, that's pretty explicit" - oh, SPN, what have you done to meeeeee?)

Speaking of SPN, I've somehow managed to fall head over heels for Castiel (and possibly Misha Collins). Here's a clip of Jared and Misha on an Australian show, being loopy and jetlagged and flirty and ADORABLE. Also, kinda dirty. *happy sigh*

What are your happy-making links for making Monday bearable? Come on, help a sister out.

infantuation, vampage, spn, in the media, leverage, boys

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