But first: I just realized that the title of Friday's SGA ep won't ring a bell for those unfamiliar with the 1990 neo-noir masterpiece
Miller's Crossing by the Coen brothers.
The film features a black Irish protagonist/antihero (cool, snarky, emotionally distant) whose good intentions inadvertently start a war between rival gangs in a moral landscape that's gray at best, where loyalty outweighs ethics at every turn. So you know - NO SIMILARITY WITH THAT SGA EP WHATSOEVER. *cough*
The scene that stands out for me - and I haven't seen this movie since the early 90's, I hardly remember the plot - is Gabriel Byrne leading John Turturro into the woods to execute him... and the eventual follow-up in cold blood. (In case you'd like more info,
a few reviews.) It's a FANTASTIC movie; check it out.
Today I met up with
krisdia so we could stand in line at the UCB Theater and possibly get standby tix for the
special Colbert Report. After about half an hour of waiting for the box office to open, we got to see one Mr. Stephen Colbert stepping out of a town car carrying TONS of stuff in both arms (and a pen in his mouth, heh). Now, because I'm actually OK talking to much-beloved media personalities when I'm given NO TIME TO OVERTHINK IT, I naturally said "hi" and "do you need any help?" to which he replied "hi" and "sure, thanks!" - so the highlight of my day was that I held the door open for him. Stop laughing at me. It was SPECIAL.
Anyway, it turned out there weren't any standby tix ater all (because they oversold the house. yeah. idiots.) so K and I went to grab some dinner, and then got ourselves student tix for the Ethan Hawke-directed
Things We Want - which was the BEST SPENT $15 EVER, as we got to see a pretty damn great production (even though the play itself, although hilarious and pretty intense, was kind of uneven) - AND we got our minds blown away by the Excruciating Evil Hotness of Josh Hamilton.
Because not only is he terrifically talented and plays a Magnificent Bastard with chilling conviction, he also... how do I phrase this without sharing TMI... um, he made me feel intensely perturbed in the loooooong scene during which he seduces his brother's girlfriend on stage. (Wrong! Bad! WRONG!) And he kinda takes off (most of) his clothes and... puts on her pleated li'l schoolgirl skirt. Yep. Also, there's a LOT of grinding. And simulated oral sex. And this one moment when they're half-naked and all over each other and he sort of desperately twists his fingers in the lace of her panties, OMFG. *fans self*
Oh, and at one point she screams, "I wish I could grow a dick so I could make you suck it!" As
krisdia noted, clearly a woman after our own heart.
But, um, yes - my thought processes got pretty derailed there and I'm still trying to get them back on track, though I suspect this might be the best "review" I can provide. Hey, the NYT piece will provide the other info you might need; I'm just gonna focus on the RELEVANT stuff, OK?
And yes, I'd totally see this show again. Student tix are sold one hour before the show, ONE ticket per student ID. More info
And the Monday night teevee...
Chuck makes me GLEEFUL. The end.
As for
Heroes, two things:
1. If they don't bring back Nathan, I'm done. What, are we supposed to think that piss-poor Bobby Kennedy "homage" made his death cool? Because it didn't. In fact, the words that come to mind are REPETITIVE and STUPID. And right after that lovey-dovey moment with Peter, too! Who the hell does Kring think he is - Joss Whedon?! Doesn't he realize that only a master can pull off something that heavy and do it well enough for the fans to KEEP WATCHING?
1.a. If they bring Nathan back, and if HRG was indeed the shooter as I STRONGLY suspect, they better make the fallout damn good. At this point, I'm kind of relieved to take this show off my schedule.
2. Not at all redeeming, but enjoyable nevertheless: Sylar and Mohinder - wow. TEH GAY, IT SIZZLES. The chair swivel of sex! The gun- and knife-pulling foreplay! That perfect exchange over the blood-drawing, with Mohinder's "Now, now, you know bondage is mandatory: *SNAP!*" and Sylar's "OK, but let me take off my shirt ANGRILY!" And ahahaha, the banter over TRUST ISSUES! Also, I might have whimpered a little when Mohinder STABBED him. (How did I not see that Sylar is the bottom in that relationship? Seriously.) So yeah, that part was kinda fun. Not nearly enough to make me forget all the ways in which this season sucked, but hey, I'm here to have a good time.
And Life has to wait until I get some sleep.
Aw, day. *g*