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Comments 4

lanthano November 15 2007, 07:51:52 UTC
Seriously. The creators of the show were like-polygamy, yay! Alternative families, yay! Olive as a proxy for Ned and Chuck's desire, yay! Fandom doesn't have to do any work here.


no_detective November 15 2007, 17:47:36 UTC
I know, right? Best use of the fairytale framework EVER. I can't believe all the stuff they get away with just because they look wholesome. Hah!

And the "gang" is the most adorable foursome since the Beatles.


carla_scribbles November 15 2007, 13:05:40 UTC
I knooooooow. I'm constantly sitting there staring at my screen and going "... what? Did they just... what? With the what now? Well ALL RIGHTY THEN. *beams*" Ohhh, bright-colored secretly-kinky show.

Also, Emerson's dominatrix was awesome. I hope she comes back.


no_detective November 15 2007, 17:57:31 UTC
EXACTLY. Also, I can't believe some people think this is a show about abstinence. Hello, polygamy? Prophylactics? Sublimation? Chew toys as ball gags?!

I hope Simone comes back, too. She kicked ass.


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