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Comments 11

trepkos November 2 2007, 18:51:52 UTC
That letter!
That reply!


no_detective November 5 2007, 02:20:42 UTC
I know! It made me so happy!


isagel November 2 2007, 18:52:59 UTC
Re: Dollhouse... It's a WHEDON SHOW starring ELIZA!!! There are not enough exclamation points in the world to accurately render my geeky fangirl excitement.

Or, actually, I find myself thinking of it as an Eliza show written by Joss Whedon. Because I love Eliza so, and I've been hoping for her to finally get something to do that would be equal to her talents, which makes this beyond awesome. It was all very well watching True Calling because she never failed to floor me with how insanely hot she is, but I've sort of been waiting for her to end up in that role that would really show off everything she can do, not just the hotness. So...YAY!

I hope the writers' strike won't delay it indefinitely.


no_detective November 5 2007, 15:42:26 UTC
I know! It's too bad that production won't start for a while (at least judging by the last time the GWA went on strike), so we won't get to see the show as early as the spring. But hey, good cause and all that. ;)

It sounds like Eliza listed all of her dream roles, and Joss basicaly said: "And this is how we'll get you to have them" - so yes, it's a perfect showcase kind of concept for her talents. I'm really looking forward to it, whenever it might happen.


asta77 November 2 2007, 19:15:39 UTC
Clearly, Chi McBride's comic genius and utter coolness were sadly underused on House.

Please, let us not mention his appearance on House. I am FINALLY able to put Vogler out of my mind!


no_detective November 5 2007, 15:44:23 UTC
Sorry! You know, whenever I happen to think of him on House, I try to focus on his comic moments. Not that he wasn't convincing when he was growling, but that only works when it's supposed to be funny.


belmanoir November 2 2007, 20:29:07 UTC
that is so sad that this woman feels so guilty she is writing to SALON about it. yes, sometimes we waste time reading fanfic. if it's that big a deal, go to a time management class. but "this destructive pattern of web surfing"? it's just...sad. I also really love this phrase: "when the fences between reader and text and writer have rotted and fallen anyway, when we are all enmeshed like strangers on a train in the same humming engine of creation and retelling?" YES HUMMING ENGINE OF CREATION!


no_detective November 5 2007, 16:09:48 UTC
Well, we sometimes forget that fandom is not a communal experience for everybody. We have this social network to "normalize" the experience for us and provide support and encouragement for our fannish participation, but there are plenty of fans who are rather isolated in their environment. I'm not surprised to see a letter like this; I just hope the author finds a community of her own soon, so she can stop feeling this way.

Btw, I love that phrase too. My subway commute will never feel the same again! ;)


cynesthesia November 3 2007, 17:14:33 UTC
Heh, I just posted a link to the Cary Tennis piece before I got around to checking out my flist. Great minds and all. ;)

I don't read a lot of fanfic, but I'm always feeling as if I fall into the category of "unserious person" while other serious people are thinking serious thoughts that will save the world so it was good advice for me to read too.


no_detective November 5 2007, 16:15:55 UTC
Great minds indeed! *g* I've seen that piece posted by several people on my flist, too. But hey, never hurts to spread the good word.

I hate to admit that I still have outbursts of guilt over my fannishness, and they usually happen when I'm having second thoughts about leaving the Ph.D. program ("only half a dissertation away from being done, what was she thinking?!?") or feeling down about my life in general. Which sucks, because I wholeheartedly agree with that reply. I'll definitely keep it around as a reminder.


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