Wherein Moonlash finally realizes she is head over heels with a new show

Oct 23, 2007 14:11

It appears I've developed a serious case of Teh Squee for Pushing Daisies (and lo, quite a bit of it is NOT possibilities-for-kinky-sex-with-no-touching related!). The signs of this affliction are as follows: firstly, I've yet to make more room on my DVR by deleting any of the eps. Secondly, I've watched every ep repeatedly and I continue to feel ( Read more... )

infantuation, daisy pusher, dreams, spn, sga

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Comments 13

linaerys October 23 2007, 18:37:46 UTC
I think I just fell in love with Jewel. You know, even more than before.

Someone needs to write those Firefly stories, especially Inara training Jayne as a companion. Seriously, that would be so hot and funny.


no_detective October 26 2007, 04:55:52 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to be in love with Jewel. Especially after one has witnessed her blogging skillz.

Hah, Jayne as companion in training - you should totally write that! [/barely_bean]


linaerys October 26 2007, 12:48:31 UTC

I'll add it to the list.


bironic October 23 2007, 18:50:10 UTC
Yet more reason to love her. I almost embarrassed myself laughing out loud at her Mal-breakdown subplot.

It kinda kills me that your greatest fear is your own failure

Huh. You know, he and Rodney are alike in that. I hadn't thought of it in that way before. The difference is the selfishness of that fear of failure: Rodney doesn't want others to be promoted in his stead and is afraid that he can't reach his goals (such as rowing alone against the current to Atlantis), while John doesn't want to be the one who endangers/kills/can't rescue his friends.


no_detective October 26 2007, 05:05:43 UTC
Her blogging skillz are AWESOME. :hearts:

John and Rodney have a similarly, uh, strange relationship with the rest of humanity. And sentient alien life forms. ;) I always thought of Rodney as better adjusted - always in need to prove himself to the others, yes, but he doesn't feel alienated. John, on the other hand, never seems to have had a sense of belonging to the world (give or take a galaxy) which is why his relationships are casual by default: he knows how to go through the social motions of befriending and clings to loyalty/responsibility as the structures that keep him connected, but it takes a very long time for anyone to become his friend. And when he fails his friends (his people), he is arguably more hurt by having failed himself than by failing them - because he needs to prove his worth to himself even more than to others, since he IS so completely "othered"... or something.

This made more sense in my head. I think.


slodwick October 23 2007, 19:32:53 UTC


no_detective October 23 2007, 20:34:44 UTC
And the show just got a full 22-ep season!!! YAAAAAY!!!!!



proggrrl October 23 2007, 22:28:29 UTC
But bad dreams fade - fortunately enough - especially with the aid of pictures o' hot people sitting around in cars.

You're hilarious! *g*

Jewel is such a great blogger. *luv*


no_detective October 26 2007, 05:07:06 UTC
Heee - thank you! *g*

I think it's kind of impossible not to fall in love with Jewel at least a little bit, especially when one witnesses her blogging skillz.


asta77 October 24 2007, 00:28:29 UTC
YAY! to Pushing Daisies and it's full season pick up! Should it see a second season it may fill the BSG void. Maybe. ;)


no_detective October 26 2007, 05:08:40 UTC
That was the best piece of news I heard all week - possibly all month! I don't care that I suddenly starve for pie every Wednesday night; it's a price I'm too happy to pay. :)


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