Screw it. It's Thursday.

Nov 10, 2006 02:39

(Or technically Friday. Oh, why am I still awake? *tears out hair*)


So apparently, total monkeyshit crack? Puts me to sleep. I took a nap in the middle of this episode and woke up to Lana saying she was pregnant. (Aww, Lex. See what happens when you give up buttsex?) Then I was suddenly awakened by hope that she'd get to DIE IN CHILDBIRTH, as MamaLuthor so kindly predicted in that unfortunately named Xmas ep. Remember?

Speaking of, it would be GREAT if we could see Lex thinking "OMG my swimmers RULE!!!" and then realizing this was exactly what he didn't want to see in his life... and going diplomatically pro-choice on Lana's ass (better late that never!). "But honey, you are so young; are you SURE this idea is even worth considering? After all, look what happened to my mom after she started birthing Luthor babies..." But I know it's not gonna happen. Even with all the good news these days - Dems taking over Congress, Studio 60 getting a full season - I know that some stuff ain't worth hoping for. Especially on SV. Even though Lionel's storyline amuses the HELL out of me, and I can't freakin' wait for him to go all evil on the turkey-eating crowd. (That dinner scene was all the creepier because it wasn't filmed as creepy, like, AT ALL. *boggles*)


Is it just me, or was Linda Blair kind of terrible? Never mind the acting; she didn't have the right hair for the role. Her do was the "omg this could be my comeback better make me look fantabulous!" (which... yeah, kinda sad) rather than the "I'm a tough cop woman, hear me roar!" As krisdia cleverly observed, the sheriff from SV would have been way better in the role.

Other than that, loved it. Great structure, fun storytelling despite the not-so-great plot, the brothers were awesome, and Sam the Convincing Liar apparently turns me on liek woah. Mmmmm.

The one thing that made me nervous was Dean's willingness to go on tape about what the Winchesters really do. I don't know why, but it struck me as sort of disturbing. *pets him* *carefully*

And now I must go pass out, then return to my responsible absence. Oh, LJ, why must you be such an addiction?

sv, spn

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