[Winter's journal: Locked to Ianto, backdated]

Jan 26, 2010 20:41


I hope this finds you well. Unfortunately, I have some bad news. Ms. Sandric's just shared some information with me that I think you should be aware of.

There's a new faction attempting to establish a foothold in the Chicago area. They call themselves the Kashtta Trust; they were the ones who originally constructed your building, and they have a somewhat rocky relationship with our organization. To be honest, I know very little about them. Most of us considered them a sort of boogeyman in the urban legends of organizational diplomacy, until their envoys arrived on Christmas. There's certainly much more going on than I'd privy to, but from what I hear, Mr. Monroe himself is none to happy to see them come to the city.

I'm not part of the negotiations. I can't speak with any level of authority or detail, but Ms. Sandric was quite clear on the fact that they intend to bring Torchwood as a whole under their jurisdiction. As much as I hope that won't come to pass, events here may be larger than any of us.

A second thing, one which she did ask me to pass on, if Luke Roberts is amenable to hearing it: Ms. Sandric had hoped that he would see his way to returning, accepting treatment, and passing on what he knew of how he came to contract his illness. It's obvious, though, that he chooses not to. She sees no reason for him to keep living as though under threat; he can rest assured that, so long as none of her people are in danger, no attempt will be made to bring him in against his wishes.

One day I hope it won't so frequently be business between us.


btr: journal, btr, btr: journal: ianto

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