Sneaky monkeys...

Oct 03, 2005 01:45

Okay so this is going to be a short post. I just want to state, for the record, that I think that maybe the Veronica Mars scene that's been floating around (you know, the one that shows the first few minutes of the season opener) is a big fake that the clever people in charge have created to throw us off. I'm not gonna say anything spoilery, so don't worry about reading this. The reason I think the scene might be a fake is because of those comments RT made about putting extra effort in to throw people off, eg. fake sides. I mean, really, how would they let something this big leak so close to the season opener? Furthermore, if it did leak, why aren't we hearing more about backlash from the leakage. Anyway, if this is the case, RT, I salute you. If not, we can just chalk this up to another one of my crazy conspiracy theories (although, I still think J.J. Abrams is trying to drive me insane).
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