May 22, 2006 09:56
Going on an hour and a half of work now... whooooo I am le bored.
Luckily it will only be a half day due to an unluckily not very fun doctors visit. yaaaayy.
Cary and I's apartment is all settled and as of now I am very pleased with it.. our downstairs is pretty cozy and i'm liking having my own room. We set up my super nintendo last nite so I have a feeling the theme of my summer from this moment on will be Donkey Kong.. (actually I prefer to be Diddy).
I think friday was the first official day it felt like summer to me. This span of a few months will consist of long boring days at work, occasional lifegaurd shifts, running, reading, movies, drinking with friends, mischief on campus, playing outside, and talking on le phone. I think it'll be interesting..
I feel like I should be doing something productive-like this summer that could help prepare me for future jobs or school? But since I can't think of what that would be, I won't worry about it... and enjoy myself.
Setting: Rave Motion Pictures parking lot
*Dad rolls down the car window*
"Actually it was a pretty good show!" -he says to the Da Vinci Code protestors that are holding up signs to honk if you love jesus and are against the blasphemy of the wretched movie.
oh my.... sometimes my dad truly makes me laugh.
Sidenote: the words "rave motionpictures" stated above were to be read hearing the whispery semi hypnotic woman's voice from the previews. just to clarify.