an attempt at a coherent entry...

Jan 03, 2005 22:18

well here we are at the start of a new year. kind of a weird year, right? lots of good things. and well in ways it was a pretty tough one. lotta tough aftermaths. and also weird was just so much of the change. things seem so different. like, well looking back i just never imagined that things could've been here. just so much happened this year.

i loved the wasn't the first time i had ever seen snow, but i dunno. it reminded me of when i was a little kid and the fact that i was always disappointed that it hadn't snowed when i woke up on christmas. can't blame me, it was always in the movies. but besides that, the snow was almost beautiful. it was like our home turned into something completely different. plus it was fun just freakin' out from it. the only regret is that i can't be all cool because i've seen snow and a lot of other people haven't. oh least i get to tell my kids about the christmas of '04 when there was a blizzard and thousands of people froze to death because the polar ice caps shifted. haha...

so who thought in 2003 that i would become an even bigger band nerd in 2004? haha...and the funny thing is that i DO NOT want to become a band director. i just love the people, love the music, and...well i love the fun. this year's marching season was such a great one. really even as drum major, the head aches weren't that bad, it's all in the job. what i really like though was getting to know so many people in the band. i was even sad at the end of marching season that there were going to be a lot of people that i wouldnt see on such a regular basis. but at least we all got to share something. i could honestly argue that state was one of the best experiences of my high school career (if not THE beset experience). so shoot me, i love my band. i would actually look forward to practice.'s a good family. and not a cult. haha... but hmmm....the last few months have been centered kinda heavy on the individual part of band. damn, i got like 4 days left to see if it pays off. although i have to admit that it kinda reminds me about what i said earlier about representing the band. like all the awards ceremonies for DMs, i was proud to be there for all my friends. i was the one that stood in for all their hard work, sweat, and tears. and later on, i represented their cheers, excitement, and love of kicking ass on the field. so anyways as i was saying, making state would be cool to represent the band in that way. plus well's making freakin' 5A state band! so'll all pay would be a good way to kick off '05

ummm...there was something else i wanted to talk about...can't quite think of it right now...hmmm....well hmmm...i have fear that by making an entry this long i'm going to get screwed over by it being deleted or something. so we're gonna two part it. see ya on the other side.
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