Sep 22, 2011 23:22
i really fucking hate how people ask about my test. like, seriously, if i had good news, don't you think i'd share it? if i passed it, do you think i'd still be here? read into it people... it irritates me when people can't figure shit like that out.
whenever i hear "how are you tests going?" or "aren't you done with that yet?" basically all i get is.. "are you still failing at life?" yes. yes i am. im a fucking retard and i haven't passed yet so that's why i''m still in the states and in job limbo. thanks for fucking asking. how are you doing? being awesome at life? great. that's fantastic.
i think when i pass.. i'm just not going to tell anyone. i'm going to stay as long as i need to to pass, and then i'm going to peace out and not tell anyone. and then when they ask "did you pass?" i can say "yes i did.. because i'm in the philippines."