May 06, 2011 20:46
I think some people make the mistake of thinking too highly of Nicole Seah because they compare her to TPL instead of considering her as a standalone (in the not-relative-to-TPL sense) politician and considering how competent she is and how sound what she says is.
It frustrates me intensely when people make this sort of mistake. This is why we should think about why we think what we think, I guess.
#2. You do not vote for a team just because you think they are the only team "full of people who are somewhat competent". You consider the team as a WHOLE. As a WHOLE. Not as individual parts. You consider how the individual components affect the whole!
#3. Just as it is stupid to "vote PAP cos we have always done so", it is equally as stupid to "vote opposition cos I don't like PAP. So I will vote opposition. Any opposition". Now I am not saying voting opposition is dumb- I think it's not for anyone to call anyone else's final decision dumb- but this thought process, this logic, I am sorry, IS STUPID. PLAIN STUPID. AS STUPID AS VOTING PAP PURELY BASED ON PRECEDENCE.