Title: The Brat In Me. 1/1
Zenamydog Rating: PG-13.
Characters: Sam & Dean
Warnings: Spoilers for season 6:5. Including possible concepts for future episodes.
jdsampson Word Count: 1025
Disclaimer: Man, if I owned these boys… I’d break them and put them back together a lot more often. *winks*
AN: Written very quickly as my way to fix/explain the
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On the other hand, when Sam said he let Dean get turned so he'd see what it was like to be a monster (the man who was torturer in Hell for 10 years? I think he's already got an idea. The idea that Dean would be fine with this because it made him more empathetic is ridiculous, I'm sorry to say), I wanted Dean to punch him in the face, walk away, and never look back. If Dean should have learned this lesson and gained empathy, then Sam should have learned how hard it is to see a brother turning into a monster. There's being a brat and there's being a sociopath, and this runs over that line and does a dance on it. But then, soulless liar, so there you go.
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