[ooc] Application for brofist_tv

Jul 28, 2010 00:00

PERSONALITY: Pamela is a fun-loving, free spirited ghost, who adores cute things and has a tendency to "fake cry" for sympathy and attention. She enjoys haunting people, appearing every summer in the Resource Center to haunt freshmen, and doesn't appear to want to move onto the afterlife at all. Pamela is also forgetful, or at the very least, pretends to be forgetful at times; she certainly doesn't remember how she died, or who killed her, though. In Chapter 4, she even hijacks the haunted house the senior class set up during the school festival, feeling that the students weren't being scary enough...though she ends up just scaring off all the students in the process. In Chapter 6, she mentions she's scared a total of 988 students so far, and aims to get that number in the thousands now that it's summer break again.

Among the cute things Pamela likes is boys; she has a habit of stalking and watching them, as well as make "medicines" to give out, which are powerful enough to send students to the infirmary. Of course, despite knowing better, the students accept the "medicines" from Pamela anyways, stating it's hard to resist her charm. Pamela, of course, doesn't think much as to how powerful her creations are, and it takes Vayne telling her to stop for her to actually do so, though not without her claiming to be sad about it.

Although Pamela doesn't mind being a ghost, there's still a sort of longing to see the world outside of the academy. She's seen falling from the roof of the academy at one point, during her character quests, as she tries to escape; the principal only makes this slightly worse by suggesting that the school has some sort of magical barrier that allows Pamela to exist within it. When Vayne finds her, after she runs (floats?) off, she talks about how she wanted to graduate with him and his friends, and how she's sure he'll forget about her when he graduates, and that his grandchildren will have never heard of her. When Vayne offers to find a way to free her from the academy, she holds him to this promise, informing him that she'll haunt him for generations if he forgets.

Pamela is also slightly stubborn and dense at times, as well as somewhat huffy. If she doesn't want to talk about something, she'll float away. If you lay down a cute stuffed animal in a trap of ghost-catching glue, she'll fall for it. While for the most part, she can be fairly intelligent, she's usually a bit of a ditz who likes to do things the way she likes to do them. If they go wrong or someone tells her to stop? Well, expect "fake tears", possibly. Pamela can be genuinely upset over things, technically, such as being unable to leave the school or change her clothes, but it's sometimes hard to tell with her.
BACKGROUND: Pamela is a recurring character in the Atelier/Mana Khemia series, starting with Atelier Judie: The Alchemist of Gramnad, and is usually a ghost. In Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis, she's a ghost that haunts Al-Revis academy, coming out every summer to scare students in the Resource Center. It's unknown how long she's been around, as she supposedly attended school with the current principal's grandfather, and she doesn't remember how she died, either. Through her character quests, a little more is known about her, such as that she used to like wearing dresses before becoming a ghost, but can't change her clothes anymore, and that, possibly because of the barrier surrounding the floating island the Academy's campus is on, she's unable to leave the school, due to the barrier allowing her to exist.

Pamela is first seen in Chapter 3, where her monster friends have been causing problems, something Flay set up to scare Vayne and his friends, though it ends up backfiring slightly. As it turns out, she's somewhat of a summer attraction; everyone hides her existence from the new freshmen until the summer, so she can scare the new kids. After that, most of the students get used to her, though some, like Roxis, tend to remain a little weary of her, especially when she goes appearing from out of nowhere. Of course, she got a little bored of waiting, though, and ended up scaring some students a little early. She later joins Flay's workshop, deciding to join as a favor, though laments on the lack of cute things, which kicks off her character quests.

Although her normal haunting ground is the library, aka, the Resource Center, she eventually is "kicked out" by the time of her Chapter 5 Character Quest. Evidently, a monster took over the job of organizing the books and cleaning up the trash at night, and Pamela ended up being forced out along with the noisy students. Annoyed, she tried to recruit Vayne and his friends to kick the monster out, but the student workers at the library weren't amused, and remarked on how Pamela never did any work at the library, that she slacked off. Pamela attempted to defend herself by saying she'd simply been too busy lately to do any work, but ultimately left Vayne and the others to take care of the now injured monster while she ran off.

By the time of her Chapter 11 character quest, Vayne promises to find a way for Pamela to leave the school, and in her ending, it's suggested Vayne found a way to free Pamela, as she travels with him as he works as a doctor, though, due to being a ghost still, she tends to unintentionally scare people away, causing the two to be unable to stay in one town for long.

She is pacted to the Mana of Life, who possesses her teddy bear.
ABILITIES: Ghostly abilities! That, and she knows alchemy. But this showcases her skillset.
POSSESSIONS: Al-Revis Academy uniform, teddy bear+the mana that possesses it
TIMELINE: Chapter 7
PLAYED BY: theskiesabove | Trollkastel

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