081. TEN most frightening moments of your life.
1. The first time me dad ever hit me
2. The first time I went invisible and realized I'd done it
3. When the bastard kicked me out an' I realized it was for real
4. Sneakin' me way onto the plane to the States
5. Realizin' someone was followin' me after I snuck off the plane in New York
6. Gettin' caught by Thompson (kind of a continuity with 5, I guess, but it came with its own special brand of terror)
7. Lyin' point blank to the man's face about hidin' another Special
8. Hangin' off that bridge, prayin' I wasn't gonna drop dead before Bennet gave up'n left
9. Realizin' how I felt about Peter
10. Gettin' tasered on that rooftop an' figuring out who'd found me
Muse: Claude Rains
Fandom: Heroes
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