For theatrical_muse - 218. Lies my parents told me

Feb 23, 2008 23:22

218. Write about a lie your parents told you.

[locked from everyone]

Eleven years old:

"Mummy, what's wrong? Are you crying?"

"No, dear, it's all right -- nothing's wrong. It's just the onions -- see? Now go and bring your father his pint, and come back to set the table. I love you -- you know I'll always be there for you, right?"

"Yes, Mummy. I love you too."

"That's my good boy. Go on, don't keep your father waiting."

* * *

"Dad, someone hurt Mummy. She's got a bruise on her face. I saw it when she was cookin'."

"Ain't nothin' wrong wi' yer Mum. And where's me pint? Ah -- there we go. Grow up an' stop whinin', lad. An' turn on the telly, there's a match tonight. Gonna win a few quid back from Trevor down the street an' then we'll be sittin' pretty again."

"Yes, Dad."

"Well, go on, off wi' ya -- go help yer Mum like the little girl ya are."

"I'm not a little--"

"Get outta me way before I tan yer hide again!"

* * *

Thirteen years old:

"Mum, he hits you. Stop lyin' ta me, I can hear it at night."

"He's just angry about the jobs. There aren't enough to go around, and--"

"There's enough jobs, he's just too drunk ta hold onto one more'n a week. I know he got sacked again last week -- Billy told me. His dad was there when it happened, and Dad went into a rage an' threatened--"

"Don't you say anything like that about your father, Luv, it's not true. I promise, it'll get better."

"Yes, Mum."

* * *

Fifteen years old:


"Shh, go back to sleep. It's all right. Everything's all right."

* * *

"Bloomin' fairy -- it's your fault she left us!"

"No it isn't -- she ran away from you, you drunk bastard!"

"Ruinin' everything, you bloody queer!"

"Ow! Dad, please! Stop!"

"Go on -- get the fuck outta here! Never wanna see yer whiny face again!"

* * *


Everything's all right.

I promise, it'll get better.

I love you. I'll always be there for you.

Muse: "Claude Rains"
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 326 per WordPerfect
Crossposted to theatrical_muse

backstory, tm

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