Mar 20, 2007 11:34
ok so for anyone who cares i had my tilt table test last week and it was plain awful. I was unaware that they induce fainting. basically they lay you down on a table for 30 minutes while your hooked up to all these machines and then they stand you up as your strapped into this board. typically this is supposed to go on for another 30 minutes and if you still don't faint they put nitro glistering under your tongue to make you faint. But it only took me 4 minutes to pass the fuck out. They told me it was the second quickest they'd ever had after i came to. Then they said "yep, you're fainting alright!" as if i was lying about it and just wanted to take this test for fun. fuckers.
apparently its some kind of disease or disorder. who knows. im very disorderly. ha! bad news is thats one more thing to add to my list of "poor katie" illnesses. good news is now they know why ive been fainting my whole life and hopefully can stop it.
still trying to find a job. fuck jean farris for fucking me over. i really liked that place too. im going out to a couple places today. i need to make bank soon. its my dads bday and la la's bday and and and and i need money to make things happen.
and we just had the four year anniversary of the war.
and im perpetually in a love triangle. but not the good kind where its a three some. the bad kind where no one gets what they want.
i guess it would also help if i knew him.
i love my new birthday bass. i haven't named him yet but so far i just call him my large mouth bass. and sometimes ursa major. we have one song pretty much completed. it takes a while when you have two people and three instruments. but we started a new song that is gonna make your dick hard ..yea so look out for that.
work out started this week. you just wait honey. you just wait.
willie and jesse come to see me in may! yea i know they are coming in for other reasons but i like to pretend that they've only got eyes for me.
k bell out.