Jun 02, 2006 13:36
everyone should do this. stat!
Nickname: Katie bell, cocaine katie, willie, katie did
Age: 3.14 x 6.8
Favorite color: eggplant or black
Favorite movie: of all time ANNIE, comedy-wet hot american summer
Band: i don't want to talk about it
Song: eluvium-the well meaning professor
Three embarrassing things:
1. If it's winter and im single i go quite a while without shaving my legs
2. When i was a kid i would eat my scabs. ew.
3. I used to try to floss my teeth with my hair.
Three things not many people know about you:
1. When im trying to fall asleep at night, i rub my feet together, over the tops and bottoms
2. I listen to classical music
3. I have an ovarian disorder(poly cystic ovarian disorder), patella femorial disfunction, asis apothisitous in my hips, an L5 par defect, anemia.......
Three things you love about yourself:
1. my sense of humor
2. my honesty
3. one of the two moles on my face
Three things you hate about yourself:
-...just three
1. my sensitivity to getting my feelings hurt
2. low self esteem, low confidence
3. the way i look
Three things you love in others:
1. sense of humor
2. honest, even if its brutal
3. altruism
Three things you hate in others:
1. fake-ness
2. shit talk my friends
3. dishonesty
Three places you'd like to travel:
-not like to, will travel
1. Egypt
2. India
3. Italy (again)
What are you most looking forward to:
-moving into my new place and being in louisville
What are you least looking forward to:
-math class
What is your biggest fear?:
-im pretty scared of the dark....
-not accomplishing my goals
If you have a re-occuring dream, what is it?:
-its abstract, but i've had it ever since i can remember. i dream in color but this one is in back and white and its these shapes that keep going from skinny stringy brittle to large, fat, soft.
What do you sleep with?:
-blanky, stuffed eeore, as many pillows as i can get, gameboy
Who's your crush?:
-not telling. im crushin on crushin though.
Does anyone have a crush on you?:
Favorite drink
-diet coke
Favorite alcoholic drink
Favorite food
Favorite desert
-Three wishes
1. win the lottery and shop for myself and people
2. to not have my weight jump around so much
3. my health problems would go away
If you won the lotto, what would you buy?:
-first things is i would buy a new fucking car. probably a used camry, unless i was feeling frisky then a hybrid. i would buy my mom, dad, and brother a car. get my dad a table saw. pay off all my bills and debt. pay off my parents debt. buy a house. put a large sum into stock. shop for people and anything i saw that made me think of them was theirs. send leslee to culinary school. buy laura a computer. buy doug a computer. buy la la all the marlon brando shit i could think of...i won't go on. basically buy shit for people.myself.and save
Will you get married?:
-hopefully no time soon. i will marry the first man that can pick out an engagement ring i actually like. i mean i will have to love him and shit too. but if he shows up with some fucking gold band with a diamond its a no, not b/c im shallow, but b/c he doesnt know me.
-lots. if i can have them. i plan to adopt either way. i want kids for days. and i want a stay at home dad to raise them. jk
Secret Interests:
-designing clothes and furniture
-gaudy antiques
-vintage pin up girls
-anything old
Lifetime goals:
-have a traveling career hopefully in historical restoration
-travel outside of work
-be financially stable
-fall in love
-have a family
-raise well round diverse children
-make things
-keep friends
-be pretty
this thing had more questions but i should actually get to work. now you do it. come on, i know you're bored...
and you know im bored and need something to read...