Three nights ago I dreamt I did it (IT) with Snoop Dog.
He's so gentle.
His penis had weird nubbins on it, like the kind you find on a dog's rubber chew toy. Irony!
Last night Alyssa and I met up with some of her friends to see Blue Rodeo at the Molson Ampetheiatrewwe (I would always get detention for not doing my Spelling homework). One good thing about seeing a concert you're not 100% in to is that you don't feel pressure to hear every song with your full attention. The highlight of the night was during the last song of the scheduled set where four of us had our arms around each other and were dancing (i.e. kicking the air) towards the centre of our circle, in time to the music. When it got really fast we started vigorously kicking a pair of shoes that somehow found their way into our circle.
Thinking of Blue Rodeo reminded me of Mike, my Calculus teacher from Ontario Science Centre Science School (of Science). Blue Rodeo is his favourite band, and Jim Cuddy is another favourite act (although I guess that doesn't really count as a separate act). During the summer after high school and through most of 1st year Mike and I were emailing each other pretty regularly. It's hard to read those emails I wrote back then, now, because I was so cynical about other people and I was also pretty judgmental about everything, even people who were being nice to me (only because they want to be my friend. How shallow!). Really (and pretty obviously, it seems) it was because I was disappointed with university not being more like OSCSS and also because I wanted more friends, funnier friends, prettier and more interesting friends! I felt sad that the people I felt closest with at the time were Laurie, Zach (i.e. people who I couldn't see and also could only talk to through a computer), and Mike. But in the end it turned out okay, and now, 4+ years later, we're back to today where I got a reply from Mike, a reply to my email I sent him yesterday after Alyssa surprised me with the free (oh yeah, the tickets were free!) Blue Rodeo concert idea.
Now he's married (for 1 year) and trying to decide between buying a new house or going on a 6 month world-travelling trip with his wife. By the sounds of it, they're probably going to try for kids soon too. I like this time-warp catching up business!
Two days ago I told Steve that "all I want, really, is to make out with a whooole bunch of people" (not literally, but not completely figuratively either), and I was surprised how profound an announcement it seemed to him. He said he had to sit down (and sat); I thought he was joking, but I guess not. Then, I think he took it as me telling him I would make out with him, which unfortunately is not true. After that I caught him with watery eyes, and he started using a boyfriend voice with me, and also being more boyfriend-like. As Alyssa put it, it was probably a bad call. He's told me since that his girlfriend and him almost broke up "because of you"/me and he's not over me. I was reminded how it annoys me so much when it seems like he purposely trails off to add emphasis or feeling to stuff he's saying. I like hanging out with him, but it's really irritating and uncomfortable when he gets the wrong impression. Anyway, I'm sure it's partly my fault. (NB: not a glutton for self-blame rather, saying that makes me feel better because then i feel like i can do something about it!)
For the past 2 days I was trying to find a housemate for this guy I like in the department so that we could keep emailing each other. I'm sure it's not the worst thing that's been done to get a guy's attention, in fact it's a pretty good thing! I managed to possibly help someone find a home, and for a home to find the last housemate.
Today was free-ice-cream-day for summer workers on campus. I also got 2 tim hortons dollars for filling out a survey about whether I'm dependent on people or not, confidence, and overall morale at work. I think my answers are skewed - I was feeling pretty high on myself because of the recent success of boy-related schemes (see above paragraph).
I honestly wish I could have a 'fro..
While looking for a Snoop Dog picture, I found out that Snoop is putting out ( / has ) a line of pet products. My impression is that the giant afro wig is an accessory you can get your dog / cat / what-have-you (if only Rosco had a bigger head!)
I'm going to Jane's cottage this weekend. Should be fun! Finally, the summer is being more like a summer and less like a frozen gap of waiting for more exciting things to happen.