Our Lady of Fandom, Wednesday around lunch

Mar 05, 2008 19:27

The Cat prowled the aisle of the church as Gabriel sat on the altar, drinking a cup of cold coffee and chewing on a dry donut. "Want another mouse?" he asked the small predator as she crouched, making a sudden attack at a piece of paper. Cat paid him no attention, her eyes only on her target. Gabriel snorted, then emptied the cup.


The church doors were flung open and a dark figure entered, his eyes completely black. He stood in the opening for a moment, his head turning slowly as he registered the space inside. Then he blinked and when his eyes opened again they looked human. "Taken up talking to cats, Gabriel? Although maybe they make more sense than the monkeys in this place."


The very moment the stranger had entered the church, Gabriel had instantly looked up. Now he rose to his feet on the altar, his movement similar to the Cat whe on her guard. "Zophael. What do you want?" His kind rarely stopped by just to say hello after all.


"You failed. Now there's a problem." Zophael strode down the aisle, and there was almost like a dark shadow behind him. He stopped just in front of the altar, looking up at Gabriel with a cold smile. "And now I can see there's another problem. For you at least."


"Yes, I'm aware of that," Gabriel snapped, crossing his arms. "If I didn't know this came as a surprise I'd say you'd came here to taunt me. How's the job going, by the way? Problems? You never could take my place Zophael."

But his voice didn't carry quite like an angel, and he was all too aware of it.


Karal had been following the stranger since he'd first asked for Gabriel, as sneakily as a large horse could.

Now he nosed the door of the church open, craning his neck around until he could see both of them. Horse hearing was far better than human hearing, and he tilted his ears forward to catch every word.

If he tried to hurt Gabriel, the stranger was going to find out exactly how threatening an angry stallion could be.


Zophael paid no attention to the horse, as it was of no importance. He also seemed to pay little importance to Gabriel's words. "You failed to kill the mother. The Nephilim is alive and well. You know what that is supposed to mean."


"He's a kid, how hard can it be for you," Gabriel replied, staring down at Zophael. "You know what He thinks about the existence of the cross-breeds."


Karal's tail was swishing, back and forth, and he resisted the urge to paw the floor.

He snorted softly to himself and nudged the door open further. This made no sense.


"Just a kid? The mother was just a monkey. She should have caused no problems." There was a small, cold smile. "But if we're lucky someone else will see to this problem, as well as the other issues." He paused. "There are rumours that Pyriel is arising."


There was a horse trying to get into the church, Gabriel noted, but Cat could surely deal with that. "Pyriel? Not again. Megalomaniac. Remember last time?" Unlike Zophael, his eyes were those of a mortal though, and he couldn't quite hide that this piece of news made him concerned.


Zophael clearly noted this. "Perhaps in your current state you should be concerned." He almost looked amused, and it wasn't funny. "But you know it would end our war permanently. And I regret to tell you, when I tell our kind of your situation I believe they will put their hopes to him, rather than you."


Unfortunately, Zophael was probably right. "Yeah, go ahead, have a blood bath. At least the Flood wasn't that messy."


His ears went flat and his tail stilled. Neck arched, he did paw the floor, just a tiny scrape, almost soundless. Vkandis, what is going on?


"Changing loyalties, Gabriel?" Zophael asked. "This punishment of yours seems worse than expected." It wasn't clear whether Zophael found this a good or a bad thing.


"It sounds to me that you just want an easy way out," Gabriel replied cooly. "Pyriel kills the kid and has his genocide, and them what? Nice and peaceful? Have you ever thought about that?"


Zophael's eyes turned black and his shadow seemed to grow taller. "That was our plan, remember?" His voice echoed in the church.


"You can skip the special effects," Gabriel snorted. "And no, we didn't plan to leave Earth in the hands of a lunatic angel. He got his heart ripped out for a good reason, even if it was by the other side."


Sunlord. Karal's tail was clamped down tight, every muscle was trembling slightly as he fought horse instincts that said run.

Vkandis Sunlord, please don't let them notice me. He had to hear the rest of this, no matter what, even if he was beginning to feel ill. And very, very scared.


His eyes returning to normal, Zophael replied: "So what do you suggest? Kill the Nephilim before Pyriel finds him to prevent him from reaching his full power? He's young, no match for Pyriel, even on a weak state."


"I have a feeling you're not really asking for my opinion here," Gabriel said, suddenly looking tired. "Not much I can do either way."


There is always something you can do. The thought was automatic, even as his mind was reeling. If he'd been human, he'd be laughing, on the edge of hysterics.

He'd known Gabriel wasn't quite like other people. He was only beginning to understand how very right he'd been.


"No, clearly not." Zophael took a few steps back. "We will have to manage without you."


"By putting your fate in the hands of Pyriel." Gabriel shrugged.


"You can't stop us." And for an instant the shadow behind him turned to dark wings. Then Zophael laughed, a shrill, inhuman sound, and turned, moving quickly towards the door.


It was too much for Karal. Horse instincts were in perfect accord with his own desire to flee, and he lunged backwards, almost tripping over his own hooves.

Once clear of the door, he spun and bolted, ears flat, fleeing back to the school.

[Preplayed with vkandis_son. NFI, broadcast fine, OOC always welcome.]
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