Letter to God, Our Lady of Fandom, Wednesday

Jul 04, 2007 12:59

To God, the Most High, Lord of Hosts etc etc

I am still stranded in Fandom. If this is part of your plan, please inform me why. As of now, I see no purpose in my being here. I have to give spiritual advice to the naive. People here practice idolatry. Lucifer continue to question my authority, but I guess that is to be expected. There are cat-shaped divine beings dedicated to divinities I have never heard about, although their servant seems to be of significant use. He also seems to be chosen for a higher purpose, so I keep an eye on him. There are also other mortals useful as sources of information and food, but still. I even had to endure a birthday party. And there are people being noisy.

All things considered I do believe I have a right to know what I'm doing here.


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