Spoilers? Yay or nay?

Apr 22, 2009 13:02

Lately a lot of spoilers for various tv shows I'm watching have been popping up on my flist (all behind cuts, thankfully) and it got me thinking.

As for me, I do not read spoilers. EVER. Half the fun in watching shows like Supernatural for me is not knowing what's going to happen next and speculating about the outcome of situations, the development of characters, and the continuance of storylines. Like, I have no idea how Season 4 is going to end and that's what keeps me excited every week when there's a new episode. Don't get me wrong though, I'm DYING TO KNOW how it's going to turn out. Whenever there's a new spoiler going around and people seem excited about it I have to force myself not to click on that damn link and read what the fuss is all about. But I know that if I do my viewing experince will be, well, spoiled.

First off, a little poll (because I love polls ♥):

Poll Spoilers? Yay or nay?

And now for the most important question: WHY?
Basically I'm interested in knowing why you do read spoilers (if you do do I said do do...lol). Is it because you can't wait? Because you don't like the suspense? Because there's an inner force that makes you click on everything that says spoiler? :D
I'm honestly curious :)

Oh, and I don't think I have to say this, but you never know... PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY KIND OF SPOILERS HERE OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN WINCHESTER-STYLE.

!poll, !fandom

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