Nov 02, 2005 01:14
So i'm in this new showcase called Manifest and its all about Jews in Concentration camps and the rebellions and the children and alot of other stuff, i have not read the script yet but I will later tonight, but anway we just had our second full cast rehersal and it was awesome! So all 7 of us meet in this room, and our director tells us to get in push up position. We do, and then he proceeds to tell us that we are on a scavenger hunt and that there is 9 clues and there is a treasure at the end. He then asks one of my cast mates to pick a number between 1-10, still being in push up position she says 3, he then says "alright thats as many times as you can call me to ask a question." grr we were all thinking thats how many push ups we have to do. So he says alright your first clue is in here, it'll probably take you 2 and a half hours and theres no driving you guys have to walk and talk and get to know each other. And then he leaves. So we all start tearing through the room and I find the clue in the piano. And its a drawing of the carpenter center and 6 trees and on the 4th tree there is an X. So we walk all the way to the carpenter center, find the clue and then the clue says "Get high in the _____ Room" So everyone yells "Green" So we all start walking BACK to the theater department. On the way we're saying that if he makes us walk back to pyramid for the next clue we're gonna be pissed off (I kinda thought it would be funny but that was just me) So we are about to enter the theater building when we bump into Craig, a teacher at the theater department. He starts telling us how he found a ripped paper in his box that said "check out hitler's manifesto" and so thinking it was some wierd thing he threw it out! So all of us start laughing because he totally told us where a different clue was. so we go in the green room anyway to try and find the clue to see if that would lead us to Craig's box clue, and we finally find it this really high up cabinet. Low and behold its a picture of the pyramid. So all of us being lazy, sneaky, and smart decide to take Craigs clue and just follow that one thinking that it might lead us eventaully to the other side of campus where we can just pick up the pyramid clue on the way. So we go to the library I type in Mein Kompf and we find the book on the 2nd floor and theres like 3 copies so a couple of us are searchin through them and we find it when our director calls. We tell him we're at the library and he's all shocked because we were way ahead of where he thought we would be, of course we didn't tell him that we had skipped the pyramid clue and we didn't know how many we had skipped from there lol. We had 4 and there was nine so we were missing 5! So the next clue was saying that we had to go look in the seats of the players theater and we do and we find the next clue. and so someone reads it out loud and it says "There's no place like _______" I reply "home" and so all of us begin thinking that this is the last clue and we are starting back in the room that we started, when someone else looking at the clue says "Wait it says Elisa, there's no place like _______" And i'm like "Uh I live in the dorms..." So its off to the dorms (meanwhile i'm trying to remember if I told him where I lived) So we see a shuttle and so we're all running tryin to catch when it starts to run and it stops because one of us totally runs freaking amazingly fast and catches up with it and gets in front. so we all go into the shuttle and we go to my dorm where I find a note on my desk where it says "I hope you have your swimsuit because your treasure is hanging in front of the theater department" So we figure out that its in the fountain. But we go walk to the pyramid anyway to get the clue that we missed and we finally found it because our director didn't know where West was but ya and our treasure turned out to be our scripts. So all in all it was an awesome night we finished the scavenger hunt in about and hour and twenty it was so much fun!