Aug 10, 2004 18:48
So today was my first day of crew for the show "Free to be....You and Me" Chris was kind enough to pick me up and we headed out and actually arrived on time which was a pleasant surprise. Anyways it wasn't that bad, I kinda had a weird throat thing today that made me sound like I had an accent and that I smoked cigarettes. The group directors were kinda frustrating, it was almost like they expected me to know where the stuff when at what time er whatnot for what ever scene and it was only my first day. But I understand why they were so stern, being surrounded by annoying little ones that could at any moment kick you in the shins would start to make even the most patient person a hard-ass. After crew, I hung out with Chris, who is my new favorite person to hang out with. I dunno I guess it's something bout him being a hott asian that does it for me. OK he's not asian he's chinese but I like the phrase "hott asian" better, I think it flows better ya know? Ever since Mr. Li I've been hooked. So today was great at times frustrating, really hot, kinda sweaty and all around fun and it was only my first day...I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.