Summary - the life of Aiba Masaki and Sakurai Sho Pairings - Sakuraiba Disclaimer- Unfortunately, I do not own anything, even if I really want to, I DON’T. Beta- ice_colour Thanks .. ^^ *huggles* -------
well,it so happens that she was there and you wasn't XD you were supposed to help me read through before i post>< hahah somehow ryo-chan did it instead XD *evil grin*
haha .. arigatou ryo-chan .. ryo-chan and rei-chan rhymes!! whee .. yeah you were, well reading it through is not beta i guess but you were correcting my mistakes which i din expect to make that many *sulks* >//<
No sulking allowedice_colourSeptember 27 2010, 07:11:27 UTC
Haha, right? I have noticed that as well ;D And well I don't mind, I was just not expecting that ^^ And there weren't so many, so don't you even start with this
Comments 18
I love married couple sakuraiba~~
just realized we hav same beta~~ and u`re my beta too~~
*laughing hard at dis condition*
*evil grin*
I didn't even know I was beta-ing :D Cool ^^ *Hugs back*
Anyway, random fics really is love so keep doing them Rei-chan ^^
yeah you were, well reading it through is not beta i guess but you were correcting my mistakes which i din expect to make that many *sulks* >//<
And well I don't mind, I was just not expecting that ^^
And there weren't so many, so don't you even start with this
love Sakuraiba rabu rabu <3
they're really care each other...
thanks for sharing~
it's long but in a good way! <3
Sakuraiba together forever! (now if only this fairy tale would come true for the pair xD)
sakuraiba belong together
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