May 28, 2006 12:21
It's strange, I actually feel like updating today... I never want to anymore... Then again, it keeps me inside the house and not mowing the lawn. But I have to in a few minutes so I can say something now about my days lately. I have tomorrow off paid! yessah. I have been going to hip hop night on saturdays alot lately. I met this guy Jimmy, he's really nice. But unfortunately not as hott as Flash. Nothing can kep me from going to the club wednesdays... maybe I'll talk him into going on Fridays as well... When I met him he was wearing a Misfits shirt... the same one I have. And I taught him how to dance down during Disturbed, down with the sickness. lol. That was cute. Then I was over by the wippin area and we were talking, and then me and Hollie had to leave, so I gave him a hug and said, I have to go, sorry. And I kissed him. And o course, I got my signature in after that, hope he still has the mark, I sure do. lol. I g2g