Something to smile about...

Feb 24, 2011 13:50


Mail will come...
Fast Eyes, Tue Feb 22 12:28:52 2011

Postcard on its way!
Laura Eilers, Tue Feb 22 20:24:35 2011

Sending a letter your way - and if you like stalking mail blogs...
stalk me
Maria Medford, Wed Feb 23 19:57:28 2011

So this morning check up on my profile and found these
comments. So nice ot pple to send me stuff without knowing me. I'm so anxious
to receive my first peice of mail! I already wrote 2 letters.
Just need stamps. I really need to wrap things up and hit the post office.

I've decided to add Maria's link ---> to my blog for easy stalking... ha ha

I answered one letter to Christine K via Swap-bot. It was a LongletteredPals
swap. I was lazy and did not take a foto. I will update fotos soonish.

I talked to my pen pal Jessica in Cali yesterday.
So cool to catch-up!!!

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