Hanging with the girls~

Jun 01, 2005 14:18

Hung out with Hana and Jennie last night it was flippin sweet. The movie, MONSTER IN LAW, was corney and predictable but yet as Jennie put it...satisfing. We then made a stop at McDonalds where a Mexican smiled at me, I smiled back hoping to bust out my Spanglish which I work so hard to perfect. We later stopped at Hana's house where we snoozed on the bed. I thought I would be mondo cool and give you all some quotes of the night, make you wonder what adventures we had. Some of these yes, I made up, because I couldn't remeber everything we said but I'm sure you'll giggle along.


"Stick your finger up the elephant's trunk"
"Go over and say Como Estas Sarah"
"Your obsession with Mexicans is sick"
"Do you use Dove under your arms?"
"You NOTCH!"
"We're so cool hanging out in the McDonalds parking lot"
"Everything sucks, let's go watch MTV"
"Modest Mouse or the Beatles? Modest Mouse I guess-me"
"I want a bit of your warm apple pie"
"Nasty Nachos!"~har har har
"Omgosh you just stole my hot fudge"
"Sorry I can't drive and talk at the same time"

I was Jennie's second passenger ever and she totally ROOCCCKKEEEDDD! WAY TO GO!
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