Feb 06, 2005 19:00
ok i realize i never update and when i do i dont really talk about whats going on with me...so if u want to know u just gotta ask. ne ways..........
Have u ever not been invited somewhere ur friends are going or what ur friends are doing? well pretty much everyone has. and its not always there fault cuz they can only invite so many ppl and they have a hard time and feel guilty that they cant invite everyone they want. It's even worse when the person who didnt get invited goes all up into that persons face and makes them feel guilty (that would be unwarranted guilt). well everyone has been not invited and everyone has also not invited someone else too. so basically whenever u complain about not being invited ur being hypocritical.
And if u do go into someone's face ur being a real shitty friend cuz the other person already feels bad and then ur just making it worse. also its not good getting back at that person by not inviting them somewhere purposely just to make them feel left out like u did! cuz thats not being a good friend either.
haha and if u feel like u must get back at them just invite them to something great cuz then they will feel even worse for not inviting u ;)but thats still kinda cruel