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Jun 30, 2006 00:17

Unto Us A Child Is Born

I have given birth! I have been passing a kidney stone and completed it just a few hours ago... and decided on the victor and namer of the stone (from a myspace contest). It shall be called... JOY! The very first entry actually, my beautiful little cousin, found here. Anything referring to scripture immediately had an advantage for me.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." -James 1:2,3

So Joy it is. Welcome to the world. I have some baby pictures... but first a humorous story at the expense of my embarassment. It might be graphic (or just gross). Sorry. I had this thing in me for two weeks and was having to strain (my urine) every time I went to the restroom. Number one thing you have to do when passing a kidney stone is up the fluids... a lot. So I have had over 48 bottles of water in the last two weeks... and that's just the water. What does that mean? It means I have had to go to the bathroom a lot... a whole lot. So straining became a way of life... second nature if you will. Today immediately after someone prayed for this thing to get out of me... I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. So I grabbed my bag (which has become my kidney stone survival kit) and went down the hall, thinking nothing of it. So I grab the strainer... and... carry on with business... again second nature. Then... bam! Kidney stone! *Pause* But for about two seconds I am freaked out... like in slow motion thinking... "What the heck is it that? Something just shot out of me?" I mean I am really confused. So I stare at it... and then it hits me... "You idiot! You are passing a kidney stone... that is why you are straining!!" Man I felt stupid... and proceeded to laugh at myself for a while. The end. Hope you enJOYed it. So with out any further adieu, here is Joy:

I need to measure still, but she is definitely bigger than the 2mm they said she was. I also found out the other day that 99% of the tubules in your kidney are 1mm wide. So that means that sharp little sister was forcing her way and cutting me up the whole way through. The pain all makes sense with that knowledge. Thank you for your prayers, they were greatly appreciated, and definitely noticed!

PS - I danced today... to the whole "Hello, Good Friend" record (The Rocket Summer). It was amazing fun. Bryce Avery is my antidepressant.

PSS- I peed without a strainer for the first time in a long time a few minutes ago... it was lovely.

PSSS - I am the best air guitarist there is. Challenge me. I dare you. After the Rocket Summer today... I can woop all you fools. I am back.
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