Sep 12, 2004 13:04
Once upon a time there has a young TECHNICAL CONSULTANT named CHODE. He was FAST HUMPING in the SMELLY forest when he met HORNY JADE, a run-away MALL RAT from the JOLLY Queen CLEO.
CHODE could see that HORNY JADE was hungry so he reached into his WICKER BASKET and give him his QUICK FAJITA. HORNY JADE was thankful for CHODE's FAJITA, so he told CHODE a very SINGLE story about Queen CLEO's daughter STEPHANIE. How her mother, the JOLLY Queen CLEO, kept her locked away in a BUNGALO protected by a gigantic ELEPHANT, because STEPHANIE was so COOL.
CHODE SMASHED. He vowed to HORNY JADE the MALL RAT that he would save the COOL STEPHANIE. He would RUN the ELEPHANT, and take STEPHANIE far away from her eveil mother, the JOLLY Queen CLEO, and JUMP her.
Then, all of the sudden, there was a WICKED AWESOME HURRICANE and HORNY JADE the MALL RAT began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic ELEPHANT from his story. JOLLY Queen CLEO SKANKED out from behind a SKATEBOARD and struck CHODE dead. In the far off BUNGALO you could hear a DING DONG.