Jan 19, 2005 19:29
if asked y i cry
i answer i wanna die
if asked where's the pain
i tell them i donno, its hurting my brain
if asked y im sad
i tell them the world's gone mad
if asked y i dont talk
i nod and go for a walk
but i relieze they're questions make me wonder
abt what leaves me in an erie thunder
what is it thats making me cry
what is it that makes me think i wanna die
u read all these poems and sit in wonder
wondering what cloud im under
but then i ask them the final q
i asked them what im sopposed to do
they sit in shock
as if not expecting me to ever talk
they nod their heads and stutter odd notions
i see they carry no potions
nothing to help a lost soul like me
nothing helps as far as any eye can see