
Jan 15, 2010 13:42

Hello all remaining friends of me XDDDDD

It makes me laugh big time the number of people that get bored of you and defriend when you're as absent as I haev been lately, but more so that I've been so boring as to have even some of the lurky stalker people defriend me as well!!!! LMAO

Anyway, I come, rather cheekily asking for a bit of help, advice even :P

It's my birthday on Sunday, so I have a party, drinking dancing extravaganza planned for Saturday WOOT and have very luckily got the guy I'm interested coming as well, hence the importance of looking good. And this is where you guys come in!

I went shopping on Tuesday for birthday gear (and bear in mind that I am neither a skirt not a dress person so the bottom half will be dressy jeans regardless :P) and now have some awesome options for Saturday. BUT I LIKE THEM ALL!!!!!!

Any opinion at all on the options would be GREATLY appreciated, Thanks SO MUCH!!!


PS. LJ keeps reminding me that my subscription will run out on my birthday too >_< happy birthday to me :P
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