Life pays me back!!

Jul 06, 2009 11:32

HELL YES HELL YES HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And some extra effing for emphasis!!!!!!!!


I am literally bouncing off the walls right now (and annoying the hell out of my coworkers by randomly spouting exclamations of joy!!!!!!!!!!!)

Seriously I could not be more happy right now! After how crushed I was that I couldnt get them two weeks ago, I thought I would never get a chance again, either no longer being in Korea or them just not doing any more available appearances. BUT HELL YES!!!!!! I am SO glad I randomly went on the website yesterday to buy shoes and spied that they had 300 tickets back available AND NOW TWO ARE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

ALso to add to the complete awesomesauce of yesterday. I finally got through to Beeve  on the phone XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WIthout her hanging up on me calling it a wrong number too :P

We nattered away for like 2 insane hours or something and then I got a whole glorious evening of her on msn two. LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN!

After a rather shit start to the weekend, this was just what I needed (though I had a very fun party on Saturday, that I dont have th pistures to suitably boast yet, so that is pending :P).

In other news, I am enjoying je_fqf. Super in love with the artwork for the FInal Fantasy Dissidia game that won't be in ENglish until August, WAYTA TORTURE ME! My Korean isnt good enough to understand a whole game yet T_T

But Tetsuya Nomura is such an art GOD, I never ceased to be awed by his character designs and will NEVER get sick of how manay times he revamps Sephiroth <333333333333333

In conclusion

JO IS GOING TO SUJU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Need a suitably spazzy gif, but they're all on my england laptop :( Help a girl out? :P

my bestie is a dork, beeve is made of win, suju, spazz, living in korea is awesome

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