Jul 16, 2008 23:01
Looooooooooooooooooooong Day, days when you get up that insanely early are never a good sign!!! :P
But yeah it was boring as I predicted, LOTS of waiting around, cuz seriously they were SO unorganised!!!
I was standing there having to grit my teeth at the random milling around they were allowing when people left the hall from the ceemony before us cuz then it wasn't cleared in time for the next lot to come in (ours) who btw FORGOT HOW TO QUEUE! Does a rope not mean you are to stay behind it anymore? Apparently not by the number of people just stepping over it even though we had seat numbers so being at the front made no difference anyway.
And they for some reason wanted us seated half an hour before it even started while they had the graduands 'practicing'. WTF what is there to practice about waking up to a podium and shaking someones hand? 0_______________0
When they did come in too it took them ages to check, double check and 456789 check that everyone was sitting in the right place, maybe that's how the should hand thm out, leave all the students to their own devices and only those that sit and walk up etc at the right time get their degree, seems fair to me XDD
These ceremonies are really beyond me though, cuz it's 40 minutes of hearing strangers names called, another 1 of your family member if that and then GOD this timethey were handing out a docterate and that meant speeches *dead*
Long, tedious boring speeches about something to do with biology research. First of al the guy handing out the title and then the woman receiving it, who seemed to tell us her entire life story, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH GRADUATION!! But I DID get some Ueda/Maru/Tego fic started during that dirge so it wasn't TOO bad ^_^
Also, my feet are now dead, I'd managed to get a blister on my little toe and was forced to remove my sandals in pain, only to discover just how painful the path was on the walk back to the car park. I shall NOT be walking anywhere else in a hurry for quite a while!!
Oh oh!! and GIANT LOVES to Vix for texting me in her break to temporarily relieve the dull with porn and awesomeness <333
my mundane existance,
colour me unimpressed