Heechul Day!

Jul 10, 2008 17:09

Tis heechul day today, otherwise known as Heechul's 25th Birthday (in english numbers anyway, the korean ones i've not got to grips with yet :S)!!!

basically he is fabulous, gorgeous, witty and intelligent, but you all already knew that right? He's the first one I liked in SuJu in fact, from his Don't Don hair XDD but i won't go on, it just felt wrong not to do ANYTHING for his bday ^_^

So also of course pics are in order XDDD Though according to my files I have 973 pictures of him, which makes it a tad hard to chose :S So maybe just one for each hair colour then? :P

and just because his dancing is WIN

Oh and I had to include this cuz at least
stevenghost will appreciate the Shindong/Heechul in it <3

Bette rget back to el ficcing then!! I am valiantly trying to finish a Heecul fic, (at least by the weekend since today isn't looking likely :S) and I have 2 WIPs I can use, a Leeteuk/Heechul, toys, dp, blindfolds, window sex one or the sequel Hankyung/Heechul, cheerleader/footbal player roleplay one ^_^ Wish me luck? :P

heechul is love, suju

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