Morning ladies and fanfolks :D (Well, it's almost afternoon here) I am posting early for two reasons - 1) I am going out. and 2) MOAR TIME FOR FICTIONS!!! which is always a good thing.
This is my final DPP this week and it is, indeed, yes, it is, a FIC MEME. An IN CANON fic meme inspired by some of the comments from the week's DPP discussions, and
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I guess that strange mixture is what comes of writing early season pilots in full knowledge of the whole story, like going back and watching it knowing what's going to happen, you can ascribe meaning to situations where before they were just there. I can't, however, claim that I did it on purpose...this was kind of a twenty minute job without much analysis given, so happy circumstance rather than any kind of skill made it this way, but I'm glad you liked it!
I am writing a semi-epic - I don't think I'll ever write a Kag-length epic, I just don't have that kind of narrative foresight or the ability to tell a really plot based story, I'm not that good.
But I am currently writing probably the longest thing I will ever have written (once it is wrote), it's being sidelined while i work on my Presents assignment, which is also turning out mildly epic. But my epic, my baby, is currently at about 12K and it's maybe a fifth done, maybe a bit more than that, it's a very confused thing that has yet to really define itself and I'm kind of just writing it until it becomes whatever it's going to become. You'll see it one day, I promise.
*hugs you way loads for being all pushy*
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