Feb 26, 2005 17:49
this is what my friend told me earlier.
EmptySoul2005 (5:41:33 PM): might have been a better guy that she like more than u
EmptySoul2005 (5:41:56 PM): thats what goes throug most girls minds
Heilige Scheie (5:42:32 PM): thats pretty fucking harsh what you just said.
EmptySoul2005 (5:43:08 PM): srry but its the truth
Heilige Scheie (5:43:59 PM): why would girls go out with me then?
EmptySoul2005 (5:45:27 PM): some girls like ur type and how u r and look and to be with u
EmptySoul2005 (5:45:30 PM): mostly
im pretty fucking pissed now when i had a girlfriend or even will again anytime soon. im going to be single for quite some time now.
i'm lonely, i don't want it to be like this anymore.