
Mar 07, 2009 02:36

Hi everyone! I'm working on a little project at the moment... I found a writing meme a while back and basically, you randomly choose songs and write a drabble to that song. The catch is, the number of words in the drabble has to match the length of the song. I've only done two so far, but I wanted to share.

The fic titles are links to my writing journal, to make things simpler. Hope you all enjoy!

Title: Better of Two Evils
Rating: PG
Summary: "When he first met Nnoitra Jiruga, Tesla thought the Espada was an arrogant, egotistical, chauvinistic dick. He wasn’t wrong."
Some spoilers, I suppose.

Title: Achilles
Rating: PG
Summary: Tesla's never really understood Nnoitra and probably never will.


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