Worst LJ friend ever

Sep 20, 2012 16:42

So I am never on here anymore I am so sorry I pop in some and check out the more recent posts but I have really slipped on keeping on top of stuff.

As for me doing alright I guess.  Mildly radioactive right now took a small dose Monday had a scan Tuesday and took a higher doss Had another full body scan today and have one more scan tomorrow and then I take the HUGE dose and go into isolation for a week.  I have been preparing for isolation getting trash bags and disposible silverway or plates bowls, cups all of which will have to be kept for three months in the shed before I can throw them out with the trash and not set off radiation meters in the trash trucks.  I will be TOXIC to people and animals, unable to be within 6 feet of any living thing, my sweat, spit, and pee are really dangerous and I will have to wipe down the bathroom with clorox every time I use it and I am expected to pee every hour and shower two or three times a day for the first few days when the most radiation is working through my body.

all of this is coming and on top of it all

My work is giving me a bunch of shit getting FMLA so I can take it off.  And I am so hypo thyroid that I am a fucking mess and I can not deal with it.  I am proud of myself for standing up for myself at all but it is NOT easy to get them to understand I have cancer and I need this treatment and if there is something incomplete in my paperwork they need to LET ME KNOW and stop denying me and telling me my oncologist didn't send in anything because that is a LIE.  And the worst part is that I work for this hospital corporation.  I WORK for them and I go to them for treatment.  It makes no sense to me.  Yesterday my oncologist who is the medical director over Radiation Oncology for the entire hospital System (which is about 7 hospitals currently and he is over them all) had to call employee health for me and threaten to make a personal visit if needed to get it straightened out.

I am so upset that I am being treated this way it has really disillusioned me about a company that I was proud to work for and previously believed in.  as a patient they are taking amazing care of me  but as an employee I am being horribly mistreated and it is not right

Anyway I will not be on for a while still but I did get a PS3 with my bonus check and will be playing God of War Saga and FFXIII for the next week and when I get off this damn low idodine diet I can eat normal and that is going to be nice it is insane how much I crave cerael and a normal sandwich I almost died today wanting a damn bite of subway


cancer, thyroid, megan is crazy

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