I Just Had An Awesome Day!!

Dec 08, 2006 21:38

Seriously, I just had an awesome day.

I got up this morning after 8.5 hrs of sleep (a weekly record for largest number of consecutive hours slept by me) and went to see Taryn about scheduling stuff. I found out several things. One thing I found out was that Dr. Beckett is indeed a moody nutter who screams at the people who work in her lab at least once a day. Her terse email to me stating that I should already know exactly what my course requirements are was untrue. Neither I nor anyone else in the program has a fucking clue. I felt vastly less inferior which bordered upon superior and it made me redouble my resolve to not end up in academia, which appears to be full of psychotic fuckers. The other really funny thing was the cover of the newspaper-sized course list book for winter and spring of 2007 had a hugely obvious spelling error.

It says "Univeristy of Maryland." Haha, "univeristy."

Dumbasses can't even spell it right on the cover, where it's printed in nice, big, highly readable letters. Who's the moron who edited it? I would like to beat them. I mean, a spelling error somewhere inside in the tiny 8-point font in which all the class numbers are written out makes perfect sense, but on the cover?? Come on. "Hi, I go to a state school where everyone is a moron."

Then I went to lab to try to find Dr. Sukharev so he could sign off to become my advisor. He wasn't there, so I went to the gym where I did weights. Then I sat myself down and plugged my mp3 player for which I thought I needed a new battery into the wall so I could at least listen to music while I graded, and LO AND BEHOLD....




OMG!!! Joy!

Not only was I ridiculously happy that I don't have to spend an inordinate fee to get it repaired, but I also rediscovered some songs I had on there I'd forgotten about. What a nice afternoon. After going through 2 sets of lab reports, I put my things away and ran somewhere between 3-4 miles. Then I walked back to the bio building to try to catch Dr. Sukharev again who wasn't there, but I did verify that Kirk (sr. project manager from Pepsi) actually knew Bradley, who works in the lab. Such a small world!

Anyway, I'm pscyhed because tomorrow afternoon I'm going to cook with Danny and watch HPatGoF because... HE wants to know what happens. :) I swear, it's not me this time. Which isn't to say I'm not thrilled to watch HP again, but well, you know. :)

So yeah. I feel very happy now.
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