have you ever put in your birthday, time of birth, etc into one of those astrology charts and read through the results?
i was bored, so i just did. the results were surprising - i have to say i was quite intrigued.
if you're bored, just curious about me, psychotically obsessed with me or (the most likely case) you wish to find something to make fun of me for, check my results out
m'yah. in other news, i'd like one of
these to simplify my life and just for fun. expensive? you bet. too expensive? yeah, probably. useful enough to help organize my life and sync easily between mobile device and computer? of course. cool as hell? YES!
boomheadshot. the old mouse broke but, not too shabby for a replacement!
in other news, I'm the co-Prez of SCU's Jewish Student Union 06-07, will be a Koret Intern at Hillel of Silicon Valley in 07, and who knows what else.
I just got a bunch of responses to the resumés I sent out over the weekend; woo.