Nov 02, 2005 10:59
Well let's start off, NM boys soccer is in Regional semi-finals, so that's bad ass. Anyone wanna go with me to see them play this saturday at 1?
What else is isn't bad, except I'm workin like 50 hours this week DAAAAAANG!
I saw a movie last night with brett, mike, and ryan and let's just say, I thought it was pretty good. Well ok, it was sweet! A lot better than the first one
I might be going to the Ohio State vs. MICHIGAN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be the FUCKING SHIT!!! If I do holy shit tailgate like a no other.. then the game of course, which the "BIG HOUSE" will be packed!
Went to GR yesterday with Brett and Caleb, got some cologne and other shizzznit..., but that's about it I guess? No real update on the girl HoLLerrr at you later