Jul 29, 2005 03:02
So yea....not much has happened lately. Just some sports now and then, working, poker, parties lol... But on sunday I leave for up north for about 3 dayz...I come back tuesday.. that kinda sucks that I'm leavin, cuz I'm sure i will miss some shit around this town but I'll catch up with it eventually right?
I can't wait for this upcoming week..I'm sure it'll be a blast and entitle some good times lol...
I think my sis and her boyfriend are coming home tomorrow for a day or two...but not totally sure yet I suppose
I've been tryin to hang out with friends I haven't in a LONG TIME (cough Becky cough) but she seems really busy..or always has plans..or maybe just doesn't want to hang out lol jk i hope...so maybe we'll do something when i get back..or before I leave...hopefully before I leave!
I don't have much else to say...kind of a rather pointless entry..but you know I'm up now and I'm bored lol...but I'll holla at cha'll later...